Please make me THROW my computer mouse| GAMERS NEEDED

Bart vs the space mutants on megadrive is just insane. Try and do that by collecting everything and spray painting everything. hint on level 1 after a good amount of time has gone passed a kid in a pink shirt will exit the cinema right at the start of the level and will walk off screen very quickly so be sure you are there when he leaves to spray him red.
The shopping centre and power plant stages are just crazy.
There is a cheat to get passed almost everything on the shopping centre stage.....but if you are wanting to rage at this game then don't bother cheating hahaha

God of War of the hardest difficulty. I've ripped my face off so many times when I reach the bosses. I gave up in the end.

Comix Zone on megadrive you would like I think. Set on hard then its annoying but doable. You're a comic artist trapped inside your own comic. It plays as if you are fighting on the pages themselves.

winning all the tournaments in micro machines again on megadrive was very difficult.

I can't really think of any more recent games that are insanely hard because I just find them all easy lol

Ninja Gaiden I hate so much. I loved the demo but when I played the full game I saw how horrible it is.