Please be honest


My last uploaded video "Happy? You're Still Going to Hell!" currently stands at 8 likes and 4 dislikes. The dislikes aren't really getting me down but they don't do the video any justice.

I want an outsiders opinion on if the video is good or offensive. I genuinely didn't write it offensively, I've been watching videos and listening to podcasts and took that knowledge into making a video.

The reasons I can think of why the dislikes are there is:

- The video was offensive
- The video mis-presents the experience of being in that situation
- Because it's about religion

Could you shed some light? (I'm curious)
It was slow, but I enjoyed it a lot. You're probably getting a lot of dislikes because they're all taking the sides of Audrine and Derelen ;).

If I was religious however I could've possibly been offended because you're portraying the believers of deity in a negative light.

Who knows. Controversy is sometimes a good thing. I'm on the fence. It wasn't a bad video however.
It is certainly NOT offensive. You have done nothing to personally attach anyone or any group, and the people who were offended are taking it WAY too seriously.
It was not a bad video, but it could use a little work. Some parts were a little boring, like the first minute. Does the viewer really need to know what Lendahand is, or exactly how many copies the Big Bounce Theory sold? The video would've gone a lot smoother without those minor details.
Other than that, I thought it was a pretty decent video. The visuals were nice, and some of the things you said were interesting.
yeah ive seen some of your videos it seems alot of them are religion based so your kind of just asking for people to get offended anyway its jutst gonna be like that based on your content.
I really enjoyed your video but it's going to offend some people that are religious and as we know most are very sensitive. A little to sensitive for me. If you're going to talk about anything religious either for or against it you will always...I mean ALWAYS get dislikes.