Phazer Network - New Gaming Network! Feedback?


Head Recruiter @ PhazerNetwork
★ Phazer Network: Where Gamers, Artists, Musicians and Everyday Youtubers come together in one awesome community.

★ We offer directorships to channels not quite meeting the requirements for partnership which is minimum 1000 views a day as of now. This is a great way to become involved and grow your channel.

Check out the PhazerNetwork Channel And The PhazerGames Channel which is our two main hubs if you have time. Please leave us some feedback on how you think we can grow as a network and what you think of the content being put on there!
you can get a directorship which isnt a partnership its when you upload to the phazer channels to get some exsposure and to spread out your content which will hopefully bring you some viewers from us to help you get to a goal of a partnership
We are a gaming network and just high quality videos and posting once a week atleast you can find the director application form on our banner
:D already aplyed for it ... and i hope i have a chance to get accepted ... but i i`m not then do you guis give the reason as well why one can`t be accepted ?
If you add us on skype and ask us to review your channel we tell you why exactly feel free to add me on skype: djconteh im quite busy these days so i reply as soon as possible! Btw we just opened a PhazerSpanish Channel haha!
hahaha ncie man i can do videos in bouth languages, english and spanish and bouth fluent :D

Awesome add me on skype: djconteh and we want some new directors for phazerspanish so could you be our first phazer spanish director!? That would be great be sure to add me bro i like your content