Head Recruiter @ PhazerNetwork
★ Phazer Network: Where Gamers, Artists, Musicians and Everyday Youtubers come together in one awesome community.
★ We offer directorships to channels not quite meeting the requirements for partnership which is minimum 1000 views a day as of now. This is a great way to become involved and grow your channel.
Check out the PhazerNetwork Channel And The PhazerGames Channel which is our two main hubs if you have time. Please leave us some feedback on how you think we can grow as a network and what you think of the content being put on there!
★ We offer directorships to channels not quite meeting the requirements for partnership which is minimum 1000 views a day as of now. This is a great way to become involved and grow your channel.
Check out the PhazerNetwork Channel And The PhazerGames Channel which is our two main hubs if you have time. Please leave us some feedback on how you think we can grow as a network and what you think of the content being put on there!