I've Got It
Hey everyone I have an idea for a video that is all about what little things p**s us off most! I would love if people wanted to send videos to and I will compile them accordingly. I want the video to have a comedic air to it so don't be afraid to be a little sarcastic or goofy! Please make the videos 30 seconds long maximum as to get the most amount of responses in the video. And if this is a no go I'll just make a pet peeve rant video lol
Of course accolades will be granted to each participant with links to your channels and anything else you want the people to see.
So just hit me up here or email me with any questions or concerns!
Of course accolades will be granted to each participant with links to your channels and anything else you want the people to see.
So just hit me up here or email me with any questions or concerns!