Services Graphic Designer | In Need of YOUR help!


Howdy Ho!
I'm not particular sure whether this is going to be classed as a 'Duplicate' post or not but, I haven't posted within Yttalk for quite some time now so I thought I'd make another thread to show you all what I have to offer...


All my prices vary, depending on the time in which it takes for me to create something. I will happily discuss my prices with any one that wishes to know a little bit more and If you are interested in just what I can create then please look below for some examples of my previous work... I want to make this thread short and sweet so that any one looking can see exactly what they'll be paying for!




These are my most recent creations, I have of course got a lot more examples of designs I have done in the past and if you'd like to see those I will happily show you!

So, before I show you examples of my work and tell you a bit more on what I have on offer I'd like to tell you all the real reason why I'm creating this thread. Around a month or two ago I lost my job, it was my source of income and was keeping me financially stable. Now that I've lost it, I have no money coming in from anywhere and it has been really tough for me! There's so much I want to be able to do with my life and of course until I get a job that just wont be possible, for the time being all I'm concerned about is getting myself back on track with bills and such which means I need to be keeping myself financially stable again. The reason I'm telling you this is because I do charge for my graphic design services and I want you to know that any amount of money I make from doing this will be going towards keeping myself afloat financially ensuring that up until I get a job I'm living comfortably.

I provide a speedy, professional and reliable service to any one that needs graphic design work doing. I have worked with several different people within the Yttalk community and I'm sure they'd be more then happy to tell you about my services if need be! Below I'm going to be putting a few of my recent designs just to show you all what I'm capable of doing...






Thank you to every one that has took the time out of there day to read all of this and to view the services I have to offer, as always if you have any questions or would like to speak to me either tweet me, contact me on here or feel free to email me on my business

Love you all!
dude, you are really talented, I would love to buy some channel art from you, ofc it depends on the price since I'm not the richest dude around haha, but looking at ure stuff, I really think I might buy something! what is the price?
dude, you are really talented, I would love to buy some channel art from you, ofc it depends on the price since I'm not the richest dude around haha, but looking at ure stuff, I really think I might buy something! what is the price?

Thanks man I really do appreciate the kind words!

If you are interested from buying from me it would be totally dependant on the time taken for me to create what you need... For example it works out to be around £3.50 an hour for my services. If that's a price you are happy with then I'm sure I'll be able to sort you something out!

I'm not really the most active user on this so, if I dont reply promptly to you then please feel free to drop me an email @
Dude you are amazing! :P How long have you been learning? Also what programs do you use? Here is some of my work, can you give your review?

TheORdianryOrange.jpg KeenStrifeRebrand.jpg
Dude you are amazing! :p How long have you been learning? Also what programs do you use? Here is some of my work, can you give your review?

View attachment 25886 View attachment 25887

Ah thanks man I really appreciate it! And its really been a hobby of mine since I was around 14/15? (I'm 18 now). I've been learning for that long on and off, just kind of teaching myself the basics then watching tutorials to learn a bit more about how Photoshop works and programs like Cinema 4d and illustrator etc. I'd love to be able to go into further education to get some kind of degree in graphic design but, at the moment I'm just trying to find a job that'll keep me financially stable.

I like your designs though, I think you have great potential! Just keep at it bud, there's always stuff you can improve on and in time I'm sure we'll both get there!
XD thanks! I have been doing intros for about 6 months but I have been doing After Effects since I was about 12, I am 15 now. I started doing banners for about 2 months.
XD thanks! I have been doing intros for about 6 months but I have been doing After Effects since I was about 12, I am 15 now. I started doing banners for about 2 months.

Ah it'd be great to see some of your intro work, is that on your youtube page? I'll have a look now if so!