Other PC Gamer with Skype WANTED! (Mostly Minecraft)

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Meow, I'm a dog.
Fill out the form below! (Must at least have a couple of videos so I have an idea of what you are like, you can do the same for mine! :))
Ages 14-17

First Name:
Nick name/User name:
Other preferred games other than Minecraft:
First Name: Marco
Nick name/User name: Polo/xxP010xx
Country/Timezone:USA/ Central timezone
Other preferred games other than Minecraft: Anything really.
Also nice intro. I have minecraft but none of my friends play alot so i haven't recorded it.
First Name: Liam
Nick name/User name: MrFistoflames/ Fisto, flames
Skype: MrFistoflames
Age: 17
Country/Timezone: England
Other preferred games other than Minecraft: TF2, Terraria, I'm still setting myself up so I don't have that many options XD
First Name: Andres
Nick name/User name: Mossy, Andy
Skype: theredfactor2
Age: 15
Country/Timezone: Canada / Eastern Time
Other preferred games other than Minecraft: I'll play any game it doesn't really matter to me.
First Name: Bailey
Nick name/User name:ThePancakekiller123/Bailey
Other preferred games other than Minecraft:Anything that goes pew-pew and makes satisfying noises!
First Name:STephan
Nick name/User name:masterlordgod/killjoy342/mastersplaygrounds
Country/Timezone:Central us/canada
Other preferred games other than Minecraft:anything really
First Name: Greg
Nickname: ezmac23
Skype: ezmac23
Age: 15
country: US
Other than MC: Simcity 4 or COD WaW
hey I dont have any vids on my channel yet but iff you check out KingBadger47 you will see a vid I'm in, me and my friend have a LP series and will be posting on our channels.
First Name : Jason
Nick name/User name: MrPhaggus
Skype: jason.seo4
Age: 15
Country/Timezone: USA/ Central timezone
Other preferred games other than Minecraft: I don't mind haha :D
Fill out the form below! (Must at least have a couple of videos so I have an idea of what you are like, you can do the same for mine! :))
Ages 14-17

First Name:
Nick name/User name:
Other preferred games other than Minecraft:

hey man if you have cod 4 add me on skype jordan_hanson11
First Name: Andrew
Nick name/User name: felixmycat
Skype: andrew.kett1
Age: 16
Country/Timezone: GMT +1 (England)
Other preferred games other than Minecraft: Angry birds! (kidding.)
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