Other PC Collaborations


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I´m looking for people to play some PC games with. I would prefer that you were in Europe as it´s easier with the schedueling and connections. I would also like you to be 16 or older (I´m 20) and have a good enough microphone without too much backround noise. Channel size dosen´t matter.
I´m currently at 104 subs altough I have not been active for about a month now :unsure: but I am trying to make august my work month when it comes to youtube :smug: .

As for the games: Bf3, arma 2 and 3, GTA 4, GMOD, minecraft, Chivalry, Warframe
Those are the games i currently own and play but I´m always willing to get some more :)

Anyways if you are interested you can PM on youtube or add me and skype: kaselaan.karl
If you do add me on skype plz let me know that you added me from YTtlk, thanks.

Have a nice day! :cloud9:
Good luck with finding someone, I can't wait to see what you would be able to do ;)