Partnerships, a few questions


Well-Known Member
Good morning my fellow 'tubers, I was recently accepted to a network and so far it all seems to be quite good, although I do have a few questions:

The main and biggest reason I want to join a network is for legal reasons. I've heard that once you hit certain numbers with Adsense, they like to pay extra attention to your content and hand out strikes for even the smallest transgression. Given that my content is all gaming related, I have potentially loads of ammo for them. What is the difference from a partnership point of view, to Adsense, when it comes to this? Do certain partnerships have more permissions to advertise in games that a solo 'tuber wouldn't?

The contract proposed is a 70/30 deal which is non-negotiable. The term is one year which suits me fine. Another feature I really like the sound of is mass annotations, this is one feature I've been itching to have with Youtube.

I'll just spill the beans and say that it's Creator X. They are a subsidiary of Full Screen, the main difference being that X is a collaberation with Full Screen and VidstatsX. This could prove fruitful, although I'm not expecting miracles.

Does anyone have any tips or advice regarding this? Has anyone got any experience with X?

I'm not rushing into anything, but I'd like some third party input before I commit to anything.

Thanks in advance!
I was offered partnership by them, but I did decline it. The support team I spoke to was very quick though so that is a plus. Networks do not have some magical power to avoid copyright. However, you can monetize gameplay under a network as long as there is commentary. Legally this is fine without a network due to fair use, but YouTube tends to give strikes out for it anyways. Under a network you can claim your video, and this tends to keep YouTube away from handing out strikes for gaming. There are some games that restrict being posted on YouTube, but if they do not you should be fine under any network by claiming fair use. I would avoid adsense at all costs without a network though. :)
Your best bet is to wait until you meet Curse/UnionForGamers requirements. You will only be earning pocket change until then anyway. Why put off your viewers by having ads on your videos that get like 100 views? Not a great way to grow a channel.

From what I understand once you're partnered you're set - you can basically upload, claim and monetise anything immediately. If you get click bombed your network should be able to protect you. If you're not partnered then you routinely get denied for no reason with no form of appeal and can get disabled for the slightest bit of click fraud.
I was offered partnership by them, but I did decline it. The support team I spoke to was very quick though so that is a plus. Networks do not have some magical power to avoid copyright. However, you can monetize gameplay under a network as long as there is commentary. Legally this is fine without a network due to fair use, but YouTube tends to give strikes out for it anyways. Under a network you can claim your video, and this tends to keep YouTube away from handing out strikes for gaming. There are some games that restrict being posted on YouTube, but if they do not you should be fine under any network by claiming fair use. I would avoid adsense at all costs without a network though. :)

This is untrue. The partnership benefit is in the removal of the Adsense review period which will deny monetization for unknown reasons. They don't seek out Adsense channels more than partnerships. If you would get a strike for an action with Adsense, you'll still get a strick as a partnered channel.
Ok thanks for the tips. I've now had three emails back and forth between myself and their rep, and each time he addresses something I'm not asking whilst answering a question I didn't ask. I think I'll leave it for now.
This is untrue. The partnership benefit is in the removal of the Adsense review period which will deny monetization for unknown reasons. They don't seek out Adsense channels more than partnerships. If you would get a strike for an action with Adsense, you'll still get a strick as a partnered channel.
I probably worded that wrong. You are correct. You do not have to go through the review period, because you are not simply monetizing the video, but you are "claiming" the video. At this point, there is no need for a review, because you are giving YouTube your word that you own all rights, and they will not be liable. When you are not under a network however, you will often be denied monetization for gaming videos. Sometimes this will result in a strike if YouTube feels you do not have the rights to upload the game. Although it does not technically protect you any more, in my experience YouTube is much more likely to give you a strike or matched 3rd party content without the networks. That may be completely made up information, because it is not factual, just my observations. I have never gotten matched 3rd party for games under a network, but I would get them on occasion without it. If one appeal to those goes wrong, it could result in a strike. Again, I was not stating facts, and I worded it wrong. This is just what I have observed through my experience with YouTube. The only real for sure benefit in this area is the removal of the review period.