Partnership With BuzzMyVideos?

Have anyone gt partnered with buzzmyvideos because I would like to know somethings
1st.What is the minimum time that you have to stay with them
2nd.Is is a legit network
3rd.Is is easy to leave their network
4th.How do they pay you
Have anyone gt partnered with buzzmyvideos because I would like to know somethings
1st.What is the minimum time that you have to stay with them
2nd.Is is a legit network
3rd.Is is easy to leave their network
4th.How do they pay you
Most of the question you just have to read the contract...
Have anyone gt partnered with buzzmyvideos because I would like to know somethings
1st.What is the minimum time that you have to stay with them
2nd.Is is a legit network
3rd.Is is easy to leave their network
4th.How do they pay you
never heard of them :eek:
@jak6jak They have like 2,000 partners between all their different divisions. I would consider them a known Network..

BuzzMyVideos has bad reputation with ignoring partners. And to answer your questions, read the contract. @2 They are an authorized Multi-Channel Network on YouTube and @3 I haven't heard of anyone being able to leave them but I haven't spoken to many partners of BMV.