Partnership or not?


New Member
Hi guys! my channel is Oriental crime blog. I've on this channel more 200.000 views, but the content is protected by copyright, so i can't request partnership to youtube. If i delete all videos, create other videos with my contents and so not copyright protected, youtube give me the partnership with the same channel? or i must delete my channel and create other? and the views that i've, will be delete by youtube if i've the partnership?
Thanks so much for the attention :)

If you have copyrighted content at all on your channel. (which I have checked out and the majority of it is) You will have no chance at getting a partnership with either YouTube or a Network. It's up to you really, create a new channel or delete all copyrighted content.
thanks for the reply. So if i delete all content, can i mantain my channel (Orientalcrimeblog)?