Partnership and networks


What another Eric Johnson thread? Lol..

I promise I'm not trying to increase my post count rapidly, like the rules talked about, I'm just so dang confused about it all.

So I'm partnered and with Adsense but then I hear about these networks and how you can join them but the take a part of your money, so why join them? And do you have to be in a network or can you be successful as a youtube partner with Adsense?
a network is pretty much a place where youtubers can be provided with stuff. like free non-copyright music library, manage money, community in the network, & extra ads for extra money.
downside: contract, % off from your money making videos.
Google Adsense already takes part of your money. So there's no real difference. You may even get more money partnering up with a different network. The benefits can be better, you can have complete creative control over your channel.

Numerous things make certain networks better. It could also be worse. You just have to do some research.
Google Adsense already takes part of your money. So there's no real difference. You may even get more money partnering up with a different network. The benefits can be better, you can have complete creative control over your channel.

Numerous things make certain networks better. It could also be worse. You just have to do some research.
This is very misleading. Google takes a cut no matter if you are with a network or not. Networks take their cut after Google does. Basically a 70/30 split with a network is about 1/3 gross revenue for you. While directly with youtube, you get 55%. Networks generally have better CPM, better support teams, and other benefits. They also protect you from click bombers, and some copyright issues. Also, you can monetize your videos instantly instead of waiting for review, which could take the entirety of a video's lifespan.