Partner Networks Requirement/Offers


I Love YTtalk
Hello,as you know the Partner Network thread is kind of dead. I want to make a new one ,but way better. I would be happy if you would list a network that you know very well the requirements/offerings. And i will list it here.Thanks​
84 views/day or 2500 views/month
Music Library
Partner Spotlight
Support Tickets
60/40 cut
Very good for smal channels
Full YouTube Partner abilities.
vpd means views per day

Fullscreen (750vpd) ( CreatorX (80+ ),.Yeousch(1.5k subs and 75k total views))
Revision 3 (750vpd) (Base 79 (1250 vpd) )
Maker (RPM (84 vpd) ,TGS 125,000vpd ,Prolax (500vpd) ,Paramaker (84vpd),Maker Studios (125k vpd))
BentPixels ( YDL (350 vpd), Vultra (500-700vpd), Konsole Kingz (500vpd), Preveo (400vpd))
BigFrame (BigFrame (1500vpd)
Curse ( Union for Gamers (500vpd), Curse Network (1250vpd))
Machinima (affilate (75vpd) , partnership (1250vpd and 8k subs))
IGN (IGN (15k subs and 3kvpd))
Iricom ( Vexon(1k vpd), BoomTV(500vpd) , DaWorldTV (250vpd) )
BBTV ( Viso (1k vpd) , Acifin (300vpd) , TGN (800vpd) , Accuza (250vpd))
QuizGroup (Obey (part of they obey clan),OpTiC (part of the optic clan) ,VakuENT (320vpd), RenovaENT (320vpd))

Oh yea, they all require no copyright strikes and Acifin is the only one that will partner someone with a disabled adsense