Vlog Online Weekly Collab w/Different People



I'm here, like you, to find people I can collaborate with online. I run a weekly series called "Three Things" where I talk about a topic chosen by my subscribers, then at the end of the video I give them a choice of what they want to see in the next video.

I've done around 7 episodes so far, publishing them every Monday. Episodes have included:
  • 3 Things I Hate About Girls
  • 3 Things I Hate About Guys
  • 3 Things I Like About YouTubers
So before I get into what I would like out a collab partner, I'll just go over how I imagine this to work so I don't leave too many blanks.
Ideally, I'll collaborate with someone new each week, if we get along maybe we could do more if there comes a time. So I'll post on this topic which topic I'm planning each week, the video planned for the 17th of August will either be 3 People I Look Up To or 3 Things I Dislike About Myself, but I'll know for certain on Wednesday (and each Wednesday following).

This is how I'll plan/structure each video when we collab:
  1. Introduction
  2. Thing Number One
  3. I'll introduce you, who you are, what you do
  4. Your Segment, where you'll talk about One Thing in regards to the video's subject, lasting no more than two minutes
  5. Thing Number Two
  6. Thing Number Three
  7. Conclusion
If you're interested, leave a reply with your YouTube channel, what your opinions are of this collaboration proposal (I've never collab'd ever so) and we'll talk things over. Honestly, I'm unsure how I'd get your <2 minute video, so if someone would help me out with that, that'd be grand.

All I ask for in return is a segment on your upcoming video, either near the end or just after the start (depending on how nice you're feeling lmao) saying "Before I start/end, I did a collab with a British YouTuber called Daniel on a series called Three Things, we spoke about 3 Things We Like About YTTalk.com" or something along the lines of that.

TL;DR? I'll summarise.
  • Series called Three Things, talking about a different subject each week. Averages around 125 views per week
  • Looking for a new collaborator every week to do a <2 minute segment, talking about one thing on a chosen subject
  • Chosen subject will be posted HERE on Wednesday, deadline for segment will be the upcoming Sunday.
  • Online collaborations only
  • I'll collaborate with anyone with 100 subscribers or more. I have 1500 currently. I would make exceptions for people with less amount, depending on how much they uploaded or how nice they are.

I may have missed things out, left blank spaces or muddled my words up a bit. If you have any queries, please leave them below and I'll answer them in as much detail as I can.

I hope you all have a nice day, I look forward to collabing with y'all
Daniel x
If this offer is still available I may be interested in doing this. I just started not too long ago and I don't have many subs, but I have been on the path of uploading every week for 8 weeks as of tomorrow and I don't plan on stopping. I hope that I could do this with you, I know I don't have much to offer right now, but it will really help give me a boost.
Hey man, this is a really cool idea, I don't know if you are still doing it, but if that's the case I would be really interested. I'm a bit new in Youtube, but I have a few subscribers and I'm uploading videos every week. Mainly funny, geeky stuff (TV, movies, comics, that kind of stuff). Right now I'm located in London and it would be awesome to get into the Youtube community here. Check out my channel and let me know what you think.
Hello, if this is still on I would really like to collaborate with you and I am just starting out and I do fashion and tutorial videos. So please if you are interested get back to me
I have also just started out and i would love to get more subscribers by collaborating with you im super nice and im never rude if this offer is still available let me know
I started about a month and a half ago and I'm up to 121 subs, so meet your limits. I'd love to do this with you, so let me know I can get to recording.