I couldn't agree more with UltimateKirbyBoi about embracing social networks to put your presence out there. A relevant read would be Gary Vaynerchuk's Crush it!
A regular schedule is important too, viewers are used to TV programming. Consistency is key.
Absolutely definitely remember to have fun because otherwise it will seem like you're working another job and working 25 hours a day.
I've been a YouTube partner (Adsense) for a year now but have recently made some applications for Partnerships and was actually approached by a media network too. The reason for my move is because of YouTube's randomness of disabling monetisation of videos. It's an experience shared by many.
Certainly do your research and there are various terms and conditions and lock-in periods and upload commitments. I cannot stress enough to make sure you do your research and go with the one that sings to you.

All the best!