Ninja Grenade - MW3 Commentary

Mr Gingee

Super Poster
Oh HAI DAIR. Mr Gingee here with a NOTHER, i mean another. commentary on MW3. this one is named ninja grenade. I was quite annoyed when listening back too it... because all you heard was me their was no PEW PEW, BOOOM.

Nice commentary and video quality, what do you use to record?

I normally just play on pc so i use fraps and im looking for something for xbox and your looks good

I subbed you btw ;)
Nice commentary and video quality, what do you use to record?

I normally just play on pc so i use fraps and im looking for something for xbox and your looks good

I subbed you btw ;)
Thanks for the sub, Ill re-sub you back. I use the Dark Crystal HD Dvr (Pvr) it is very good :D new videos coming up this weekend.