New Video- (Play with me!)

Daniel Curtin

Active Member
Hey guys, thank you for visiting my thread, if you could, then head over to my channel and like, comment etc on my video *if you liked*. Dont go over and like and comment and expect me to do the same, that's not what i want, i want active subscribers that like my videos instead of subscribers that sub because they want to rise their sub count. If you get what i mean? But the negatives aside..
Head over and check my videos out, and if you like subscribe and comment.

I eventually want to make a career out of gaming and commentating, so please support me!


*P.S* The reason for the quality is because that game cannot be played fullscreen and so it is windowed!
I kinda put it in this section because i want people in the forums to play with me, and commentate together? But if it needs removing then do it moderators.
I assume that another mod already did something about the issue, so I might have missed it, but as it stands I don't see anything wrong with this thread being where it is.