New Short Dramatic Horror Movie... with LEGOs?

Fidel Arbolaez

Selective Promoter
Hi. I want to share with y'all a short dramatic horror film I created over the course of five years. Though the movie contains foul language and gore, the story is not a typical horror story. I explain on the introduction through the following link:

If you don't want an explanation and would rather go straight to the short film, click on this following link:

Here are a couple of trailers too:

Once you see them, tell me what you think. (Don't forget to "Like" or "Dislike", pass on the video/s to people you know, and maybe even leave a comment.) I hope you enjoy. ;)

I, nor my family, are real actors, so the voice acting is not that great.
Hey man, this looks pretty cool:up: , like the stopmotion. Will try to check this out when I have a free half hour:)