New network channels?


I've Got It
Hey guys, recently I have been messaged by few networks regarding Director and Partnership!
Well as of partnership, I do not want to partner to any network until I get a decent amount of views.
But as for Directorship I have been offered this place at 2 networks
Azure and Farsk Network

I think it's a sub network? not sure but tell me what you think about them!

Me being a director to Azure: They have offered me to promote my videos on their channel and monetize of the views they get. 50/50 which is not bad but I decided to give them 100/0 as i'm not interested into the money atm. They have quite an active based subscribers and this may probably help you and give you a little boost.

Me being a director to Farsk: They have not offered me any monetization on the video but with them I have gained a few subs in less then a day, they seem to have a small network who has the recently started over again. This network can also help boost the subs.

Well yeah hit them up or tell me what you think about them :)
I'm thinking of joing a network as a director, but time is hectic and I can only sustain one channel.:/