
I've Got It
i am making a music channel just new music all the top 40 hits and just uploading music with pictures of them and maybe lyrics give me song ideas please NO COPYRIGHT i get the music and a picture and just edit them and upload so subscribe plz my first video will be uploaded soon
If you're uploading music you don't own, then it is copyright infringement my friend. I can't suggest you any ideas unless you have explicitly gotten permission from artists to do so.
i am making a music channel just new music all the top 40 hits and just uploading music with pictures of them and maybe lyrics give me song ideas please NO COPYRIGHT i get the music and a picture and just edit them and upload so subscribe plz my first video will be uploaded soon
thats awesome good luck with the channel.
any help you need just ask.
thanks man iv just started my channel got one video up i need to get known it will be all music but sometimes maybe tutorial or vlogs maybe something like that but please share my vids get me known i will respect you if you do that bro thanks its totally up to u though