New Minecraft ~ Cube World

After looking into it a bit more, I've realized it's not like Minecraft. Rather it's more like Zelda than Minecraft, although they do have similarites.

Youtube it and see for yourself. Your thoughts?

I haven't read everyone's response, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating what someone else has said.

I really just think that Cube World is exactly how Minecraft Adventure Mode should've been. It's pretty simple : A voxel based MmoRPG with very interactive combat and intense exploration. Obviously, Minecraft doesn't get updated very often and usually the updates are ridiculously uneventful (I felt like everything that has been added should've been there at launch. They still haven't even made a use for the dragon egg in the End! Also, a lot of updates could've been found in mods months before!) where as Cube World will most likely be updated the way that Terraria was. They've put it MUCH more content than at launch!
The game looks pretty cool ^_^ I would love to play it :) Ive seen some youtubers playing it and it does remind me a lill bit of zelda xD The game looks pretty cute xD
I've learned that playing solo is probably the less efficient way to lvl up.
However I have three pets....
Fly for the win!
There has been a lot of contradictory posts and speculation from all across the already-large Cube World playing community wondering if they really did copy Minecraft and most of the conclusions end up being: no!

Yes, Picroma did chose to go for the blocky theme, but the contrast in colours and overall feel and objective of the game is completely different. Minecraft's foundations are building when Cube World solely bases it's game on battling and missions. Although, Picroma will be adding house making abilities into the game, the whole concept with be different and the player will have to find and discover schematics across the world instead of individually collecting the materials needed to build your creation. Also, if Cube World is just a copy of Minecraft then why was Notch after the game a while back when he offered a job at Mojang to Picroma -who later quit- if they are basically the same game. Why would notch invest his time and money into a game that he has already successfully created?