
Liking YTtalk
Heyo it's been a long time but i've decided to start youtube again. Sorry for stopping last time but my channel was supposedly getting 'Hacked' so i've started a fresh. It would help allot if you could check out my video i put up yester day!

Here's the link:

Also new video tomorrow! Thanks! :)
do you do call of duty videos?
@StarStreamVlogs i will be doing call of duty, trying to get some good gameplays at the moment. hopefully i will do one within the next week :)
i have ps3, i am very good at blackops i know its old but a very good game i got about 28-7 so if you want to use that you can but thats if u have ps3
i have ps3, i am very good at blackops i know its old but a very good game i got about 28-7 so if you want to use that you can but thats if u have ps3
Unofrtunately i dont have a ps3 i play xbox and PC. but thanks for the offer anyway :)
I made a MW3 video and you can have a look if you want :)