HOLY BOOTY!! --- sorry is just... HUGE!
Moving on...
Hey great skills you've got there, assuming you (the poster) are the (dancer). I think you have great skills and will go far if you keep dancing. I enjoyed your dance and not b.c of the big jui... anyway, (One more comment about your booty and my gf will have my ballz XD).
Things I think you should work on: (My opinion - I'm not a choreographer but I have a good eye for talent)
1) Work on your transitions in-between moves, they're a bit sloppy and seem to disrupt the flow. Not all but i caught about 3 transitions that did.
2) Work on your split. You already know this one i assume. but what makes a sexy attractive split ( in dance terms, not a sexual comment) is the ability to be flexible.
3) I would love to see the YOU inside! -- What i mean is show more emotion, show the audience you're feeling the music or enjoying what you're doing. don't be afraid to open our mouth or make face expressions. It would greatly improve the overall experience.
4) I feel you need to work on your spins, I get a sense of fear. Don't worry let Loose go crazy. In video the worst that can happen is to make an edit if you fall.
That's all for now!
Keep it up! you're amazing
GOD BLESS YOUR ....... ---(Talent)-- GF Filter edit... lol