New banner and (temporary) avatar


Belgian Gamer With An Accent
So I'm not great artistically and my skills in Photoshop are lacking, but I really needet a better banner and avatar. So onto the drawing board I went and what you see on my channel now is what it became.

You can also see my new avatar to your left, allthough that one is probably temporary.

Any feedback whats still lacking would be appreciated :) , you can find the banner by clicking on my youtube link here below offcourse.
mmm.. maybe more consistent branding on your banner and avatar? those are two different characters right? maybe just use one. The fon't on the banner looks weak. Maybe use a brighter color and use a different color stroke?
It's pretty good! :) Just a few tips, for your banner, the character should be on the left of the writing because just about everyone looks right instinctively, also in my opinion the font should be either bigger, or a little bit simpler, because your name is the *most* important thing there, and you want people to remember it! :D Just a few small tips from me, not knocking what you've done already, but I think it's best to criticize constructively instead of saying everything is great :)
Thanks for the feeadback, well definitely change my font as I to found the endresult after uploading it a bit less good then anticipated. The character on my avatar should ge just temporary as Pearl will be making something and I have more trust in her skills then in mine ;-)
Okay cool but here is what to change: Make them link the banner and avatar, make it look pro atm it is all a bit messy not organised. Hope this helps
It looks fine to me. I would just suggest that your avatar should be different because you have that person on your banner as well. In my opinion, it should just be different from the banner.
It looks amazing though! Keep up the good work

It looks fine to me. I would just suggest that your avatar should be different because you have that person on your banner as well. In my opinion, it should just be different from the banner.
It looks amazing though! Keep up the good work


Yup, the avatar is only temporary, still in search for something great :)