Network problem

I just signed for rpm network i linked my account etc etc...but if i go estimated earnings it says
In order to see your earnings reported here daily, you must associate an AdSense account with your channel.If you've already associated your AdSense account, we may not have any earnings data for you yet. Please check again in a few days.
whats the problem :S? pls answer
I just signed for rpm network i linked my account etc etc...but if i go estimated earnings it says
In order to see your earnings reported here daily, you must associate an AdSense account with your channel.If you've already associated your AdSense account, we may not have any earnings data for you yet. Please check again in a few days.
whats the problem :S? pls answer
As it says "we may not have any earnings data for you yet"

Earning only appear 4-6 days after the day in which they`re for e.g. earnings for the 6th may appear on the 10th..
As it says "we may not have any earnings data for you yet"

Earning only appear 4-6 days after the day in which they`re for e.g. earnings for the 6th may appear on the 10th..

Thank you for your help, i have 1 more question...what ads should i enable??
All of them, tick all three :)
Okay :) sorry for bothering but i am begginer in this the rpm contract they say that they will claim my videos automaticlly (videos from the beginning to today) but my videos arent claimed...should i claim them ?? or wait and let them do that??
Okay :) sorry for bothering but i am begginer in this the rpm contract they say that they will claim my videos automaticlly (videos from the beginning to today) but my videos arent claimed...should i claim them ?? or wait and let them do that??
You can claim them yourself or wait for them to be auto-claimed, RPM does an auto-claim only once every week or 2 I think.
And when they do it, they claim all videos with the three ad settings ticked :)