Need to move 20,000 subs to new channel... HOW?!

I don't think that anyone can move subs. It's going to be slow going getting them from one to the other. Why can't you just use the original channel?
The only thing you can do is try to direct your subscribers to the new channel. Make a video explaining you made a new channel and hope for the best. Usually moving channels doesn't work out all too well, and you most likely will not reach 20,000 subscribers on your new channel (unless all 20,000 are highly active.. which I doubt).
I don't think that anyone can move subs. It's going to be slow going getting them from one to the other. Why can't you just use the original channel?
I use both right now, but the first one has a strike wich means I can't use a lot of features and besides, and what I actually hate the most, YouTube won't monetize half of my videos just because. On my partnered channel I've got all my videos monetized, I can also upload content that's copyrighted by certain companies and I can get in gorilla campaigns.
So I started my channel by the end of December. Today I've got 20,000 subs and two copyright strikes. I may end up losing the channel so like a month ago I started a new one and I already partnered it with fullscreen, giving me a los of new tools and s**t. The thing is in this month I just got 1000 subs from the other channel. I reuploaded the content from the first one and I'm uploading new one now, but I'm no sure about the best way to get the subs from one channel to the other. Already out annotations in all 100 vids... But it seems like its gonna be a slow work.

Any ideas or input? Appreciate it!
This seems relevant for your situation
As others have mentioned, there is no way for you to move subs. They have to re-sub to the new one. Put up some kind of content on the old account and tell people to sub to the other channel.
I agree with many others' here. There is no systematic way to just move large amounts of subs (let alone the inactive ones), but as far as moving, creating a video telling them about the new channel is a good idea. I would also post the updates to twitter, facebook, and other social media that you know others' may be following to get more on there. You could still just keep the old channel and redirect them to the newer channel. (Think of the older channel as a little archival library of your older videos ;))
I though that there was a way to send a mass massage to all of your subscribers, that way they can all read it and subscribe to the other channel if they want, never used this feature so im not sure its real but something tells me ive seen the option for it somewhere on Youtube