I've Got It
So a few months back I joined Vultra based on a promise of execelent support and the HIGHEST CPM's in the industry. Well I can safely say that is complete BS. I make less than what I made with TGN/BBTV at lease with them I made $160+ a month. Now that I am with Vultra my payment statement for the month of June is $13 what a joke. This has got to be the worst mistake I've ever made. I don't even feel like making videos anymore because I'm stuck with this network for 3 years. I did read the contract so dont go off on me for that and I did contact the CEO about the 50/50 split and he said it would be totally worth it due to their large payout. The only good thing is that I have a channel under my dads name thats not partnered, but has a close amount of subs to this one.