Need help understanding Rev Share and Gross


New Member
So, i am ready I think to partner. 3.8k subs in about two months of taking video making seriously. I hit it pretty big last sunday and picked up another 1.2k subs from a reddit thread. So, I'm trying to figure out what some networks are really offering and what some terms mean. I'll give an example and tell me if I'm wrong

TGN approached me with some 100% bs (has to be bs, because they gotta get their cut too) and this is what I gathered, Youtube takes 45% no matter what, right? And then BBTV takes 40% of that. Even with the $5 average CPM, i'm looking at 2.25 going to youtube, and then another 1.10 going to BBTV leaving me with 1.65 actual revenue (is that what is called RPM?) I said no thanks to that.

I kept looking and I was interested in which offer 3-4 CPM and on their terms suggests 80%. It seems tricky cause there is no mention of gross or revenue. But they can't offer 80% of gross because youtube takes 45% right? Or do MCN's get the full 100%?

"Zoomin.TV will purchase the video impressions on your channel from you
for 80 percent of the YouTube earnings generated by your channel.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This means that you get to keep 80%. You can
always check your gross YouTube earnings yourself by logging in to your
channel and checking the Earnings Reports section of your YouTube
Analytics pages."

Unionforgamers (Curse) doesn't seem to have any suggeted CPM but they offer a 90/10 rev share, which means, Youtube takes 45% and I get 49.5% of the gross. Does anyone have any figures for Curse (they say they don't mind information sharing on their sample contract.)

3 questions
1) is my math correct (2nd paragraph)
2) When someone offers a part of the gross, youtube still gets it's 45% right? (Also, is Zoomin offering 80/20 of the gross or the rev share?)
3) What is the CPM for curse like, because 90/10 is a really really good rev share and is accessible to a channel of my size, plus a no lockin contract.

Edit: Finally, does anyone know anything about Omnia?
TGN approached me with some 100% bs (has to be bs, because they gotta get their cut too) and this is what I gathered, Youtube takes 45% no matter what, right? And then BBTV takes 40% of that. Even with the $5 average CPM, i'm looking at 2.25 going to youtube, and then another 1.10 going to BBTV leaving me with 1.65 actual revenue (is that what is called RPM?) I said no thanks to that.
This is indeed mostly BS because they don't mention the % that BBTV takes out prior to passing the remainder to TGN of which the *remaining* 100% is fully paid out. Stupid marketing speak.

RPM is the more accurate term, however everyone is addicted (and stuck) on using the term CPM. In this case they are equal. Technically CPM shouldn't account for multiple ads per visit (which RPM does) but by practice everyoen uses 'playback based CPM' which means CPM = RPM.

I kept looking and I was interested in which offer 3-4 CPM and on their terms suggests 80%. It seems tricky cause there is no mention of gross or revenue. But they can't offer 80% of gross because youtube takes 45% right? Or do MCN's get the full 100%?
These offers typically ignore the 45% youtube takes out. It might seem like BS to do so, but it makes sense in the way that there is no avoiding the 45% and everyone suffers equally from it.

3 questions
1) is my math correct (2nd paragraph)
2) When someone offers a part of the gross, youtube still gets it's 45% right? (Also, is Zoomin offering 80/20 of the gross or the rev share?)
3) What is the CPM for curse like, because 90/10 is a really really good rev share and is accessible to a channel of my size, plus a no lockin contract.

1) Yes, math is correct, however the 45% is commonly disregarded.
2) Yup, as explained above.
3) Someone else can handle this one.
Thank you for your answer! I guess that all that leaves open is whether curse offers decent CPM. even 4$ CPM with zoomin is better than the 3.25 I get with Adsense, even with the 80/20 share (just not by much)[DOUBLEPOST=1369084773,1369078512][/DOUBLEPOST]
1) Yes, math is correct, however the 45% is commonly disregarded.
2) Yup, as explained above.
3) Someone else can handle this one.

Also, thank you for the personal pm. You've done alot to help me. I did reply on youtube, cause of the 50 post limitation on here.