Voice Acting Need female voice actress for Max Payne indie film


I've Got It
I'm looking for an American voice actress, young (16-20), to do the voice of Mona Sax in an indie film I'm working on. It won't be completed until next year, and you won't be needed for a while because i'm still writing the script.

Basically, this is following Max Payne 2: The fall of Max Payne. Mona is dead, and Vlad is dead. But, Mona had information about the cleaners and she left audio recordings telling Max about a separate division of the 'cleaners' (main bad guys from Max Payne 2). So basically you will have quite a few lines.

It would be helpful if you had played Max Payne 2 to know Mona's character, or you could just watch a playthrough. But it does need to be similar. She's got a calm, soothing voice. Strange enough for a killer.