Short Film Need cast for Comedy Short flim

I had an idea for a collab about A fictional Video Game coming out made by a big Company (Someone like Activison or EA) and a Bad Review is made on it by a popular YouTuber causing the Game to have very low sales and the Game Company is in danger of failing and Game Developers must find a way hack into the YouTubers Channel and shut him down before he makes another bad review.



Ben Dover: A Video Game Developer who is in risk of losing his job barbecue the company he works for is failing after their most Expensive game to produce has extermly low sales.

Mr. Angerissues:
The Owner of a once successful game company who is in danger of failing after his new Game does not sell


Bob: A fanboy of a failing video game company who is good at hacking

Justin Bimbolake:
A Intern of a failing Video Game Company who likes Guns


The9thDivine: He has the most subscribed channel on YouTube. He reviews games he has so much subs that he already made 3 major video game companies fail. He must be stopped before he gets another company down