Need advice on publishing


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I've been mulling an idea over lately and I haven't seen anyone do it yet on YT. I know, shocking!

In the interest of protecting my idea, do I go ahead and make all the videos I can, and then just dump them onto YT at once? Or do I make a video, publish it, and rinse/repeat? I have a list of 50-70 videos I could make from the beginning. And then additional videos as time goes on. But the initial bulk is already known to me.

I would sincerely appreciate your thoughts as well. Has anyone thought the same and applied one of the methods below? How did it work out for you? What lessons did you learn?

Here are some of my thoughts on both options.

Pump n' Dump:
  • Pro: Allows me to be the first with the complete content.
  • Pro: Since there will be a playlist of 50+ videos right from the start, it would encourage watch time and retention.
  • Con: If someone is getting all the content right from the start, will that decrease chance of them subbing?
  • Con: No chance of appropriate progressive A/B testing since the material is already created/uploaded.
Create n' Publish:
  • Pro: This method would allow me to see what viewers like/dislike without me finding out 50+ videos later.
  • Pro: I could apply my learning from the previous point to all future videos. Enhanced A/B testing on thumbnails and production.
  • Pro: Since there will be future videos released regularly, there might be an increased chance of someone subbing to receive updates?
  • Con: Slower growth due to a smaller initial playlist?
  • Con: I risk someone else with an established channel hopping on the bandwagon and creating the same content before I'm even finished with the initial list.
I'd definitely recommend the second (drip feed) option.

The algorithm takes time to analyse whether a video is "good" or "bad" in terms of audience retention, click rate etc and the drip-feed method will give the algo time. Also, Youtube likes regular uploading. The second method will have you uploading at regular intervals whereas the first method will have you upload in one go and then you might have run out of ideas.

Don't worry about people stealing your ideas - It will happen no matter what method you choose if the videos / ideas are good but by being the "first to market", you will get a boost. just make sure you learn SEO and how to write good titles, descriptions and tags and you make full use of cards, endscreens, pinned comments etc to link to your other videos. I'd advise you to learn all that before uploading and then choose method 2. Good luck. :)