Need A 2nd Opinion


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Hey guys! As you know had to change my channel name so I was trying to design myself a new display picture as its not "nickashleygames" anymore..

I came up with this


Just want to know if it looks nice and if it doesn't what could I change to make it look better and professional!
Hey guys! As you know had to change my channel name so I was trying to design myself a new display picture as its not "nickashleygames" anymore..

I came up with this


Just want to know if it looks nice and if it doesn't what could I change to make it look better and professional!

The design is nice, although nag means 'horse', and (in England) it means to moan at someone to do something hehehe. ;) made me giggle.

I like the red outline though! :D
I always like seeing textures in the bg so it's not so flat. Apply a texture overlay :]