My Puppy Lola Doing Puppy Stuff


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Lola is an awesome German Shorthaired Pointer, these are some random funny and cool videos of her.

Lola at 3 months old chasing a bottle

Lola digging like a crazy beast

Lola chasing an ice cube around the kitchen

First time I caught Lola stalking birds on camera

Lola stalking birds again

Hunting again

Cute video of Lola playing with her friend Bailey

Lola and her friends running around a creek

Same video as above, but in reverse... I think it's funny, my girlfriend thinks it's stupid... I think it's a guy thing
Your puppy is very cute!:)
thanks! have you seen the videos of our other puppy? I have a ton of this pup and our Dalmatian puppy doing random things. The Dalmatian was 10 weeks old in his first video, you will notice that both pups are way bigger in my newest videos