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Lola is an awesome German Shorthaired Pointer, these are some random funny and cool videos of her.
Lola at 3 months old chasing a bottle
Lola digging like a crazy beast
Lola chasing an ice cube around the kitchen
First time I caught Lola stalking birds on camera
Lola stalking birds again
Hunting again
Cute video of Lola playing with her friend Bailey
Lola and her friends running around a creek
Same video as above, but in reverse... I think it's funny, my girlfriend thinks it's stupid... I think it's a guy thing
Lola at 3 months old chasing a bottle
Lola digging like a crazy beast
Lola chasing an ice cube around the kitchen
First time I caught Lola stalking birds on camera
Lola stalking birds again
Hunting again
Cute video of Lola playing with her friend Bailey
Lola and her friends running around a creek
Same video as above, but in reverse... I think it's funny, my girlfriend thinks it's stupid... I think it's a guy thing