My new intro... You likey???

Jacob Alsobrook

Yes, I have pants. Do I wear them? No.
So recently I have made a new intro, and I would kindly like some feedback on it! :) And if I get ANY freakin replies saying I am "Advertising" no, just no... I just want honest feedback on my new intro.
its pretty unique ,first time hearing of Ace of Spades. looks like minecraft : o i thought it was minecraft and had guns in the update
I like it and I think it shows what your channel is about which is good.
One thing though, for me, it's a bit too long by like 1.5-2 seconds but, that's just me. Otherwise, I likey.
That game looks fun, haha, it kinda looks like Castle Miner (I freaking love that game!).
I like it and I think it shows what your channel is about which is good.
One thing though, for me, it's a bit too long by like 1.5-2 seconds but, that's just me. Otherwise, I likey.
That game looks fun, haha, it kinda looks like Castle Miner (I freaking love that game!).
It is fun xD been playing the heck out of that game! Glad you liked it!