My message to this forum


I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
I got that video working finally, I'm not gonna upload it at 3 am though lol, so it's unlisted, but if you guys wanna see it, here's the link
[DOUBLEPOST=1349271540,1349252486][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm actually not going to make this video public I've decided. This video was very specifically about the goings on in our forum and it's really got little to do with my subscribers, so yeah, this is really the only place to see this vid, if anyone wants to share the link with any yttalkers they think should see it that'd be great. Peace!
i just saw youre video and dude youre a very talented and awesome person, youre not arrogant :D
I think it was suttle Jose. By normal people standards I might have seemed/been quite humble. Some might even say it was a "healthy arrogance", but believe me, when I finally realized it was there, I wasn't seeing something that wasn't in me. I legitimately had some elitism in my opinion of myself, an "i'm special" kind of attitude. The thing is, we're ALL special, irreplaceable, and equal, and I wasn't seeing us that way. It showed it self in how I wasn't paying much attention to others, in how alot of my vlogs I wouldn't even plan, I'd think "turn on camera and your natural awesomeness will come through" some of those vlogs where I did that? They're really not that great... I mean... yeah, I know I wasn't some full blown narcissist, but my thinking was not correctly as it should have been, I saw it, I feel better already, and I'm psyched to get back in the game with a better attitude :) But, still of course, I appreciate your kind words, you're a very kind person Jose