jerry watkins
Hello. Everyone. 06/03/12 3:35 AM
I have something I want to shear with you. My friends my brothers my sisters my children my new borns.
To every person living on this earth. We can die at any time no matter who you are no matter what color you are.
No matter matter if you 14 or 18 or 15 or 12. What I am trying to say to you right now after we die then the jufgment starts right then.
So place don't put it off gave your life to the lord before it's to late. What do I mean before it's to late will jesus can come right now and you mite get life be hine.
Or you can die with out christ or you can die in a car accident. And in up in hell so place don't put it off any longer Jerry
--- merged: Jun 3, 2012 at 8:56 AM ---
A letter to all the evil ones who kill little babys one day you will answer for it.
For everything belongs to god no matter wht it is. Million of children have been abortied but no this one day you who do this will see it again.
Just like hitler he is burning in hell just as the rest of the ones like him.
I have something I want to shear with you. My friends my brothers my sisters my children my new borns.
To every person living on this earth. We can die at any time no matter who you are no matter what color you are.
No matter matter if you 14 or 18 or 15 or 12. What I am trying to say to you right now after we die then the jufgment starts right then.
So place don't put it off gave your life to the lord before it's to late. What do I mean before it's to late will jesus can come right now and you mite get life be hine.
Or you can die with out christ or you can die in a car accident. And in up in hell so place don't put it off any longer Jerry
A letter to all the evil ones who kill little babys one day you will answer for it.
For everything belongs to god no matter wht it is. Million of children have been abortied but no this one day you who do this will see it again.
Just like hitler he is burning in hell just as the rest of the ones like him.