My journey on youtube (and yours)

Brandon Dorner

Loving YTtalk
First off this is somewhat long but it's compressed still and started out as something completely different, just giving fair warning.

So, let's get into it I realized I enjoy making videos and being on camera about 6 years ago when I got my first camera, it started out just me making videos of me singing purposely bad and just really bad videos of like me blowing up stuff but I really liked it and wasn't at all concerned with views or anything.

So came along my first channel, my brother wanted me to film him doing trick basketball shots and it turned into let's make a video of this on youtube (This was around the same time dude perfect was making their first video). And so my real uploading in which I hoped that people would watch and that they would be entertained.

This wasn't my only though, I've had several channels and a few moderately successful like the basketball trick shot channel, gaming channel, sketch comedy (in that order); and all of which were a ton of fun while making the videos, and they got a decent amount of views. I liked seeing other people take enjoyment in me enjoying doing these things and that really made me happy and kinda realize that not necessarily youtube but something along entertainment was what I wanted to do in life.

The reason I stopped making these videos was, for the sports one, it took way too much effort to make one video and it was very time consuming, don't get me wrong I loved doing it. The gaming one was definitely my most successful and I made over a 100 something videos and I loved it, the reason I stopped for this was for a few reasons but the main one being i just lost interest in video games enough that I didn't want to make videos. Now the sketch comedy was for sure my favorite while least successful in sense of views but everyone who did see it loved it. The reason I stopped for this was that I needed other people to help me with this much like the basketball channel, but unlike the basketball channel, from the get go there was conflicting schedules and not enough motivation so it died quickly.

Now this brings me to vlogging, one thing I really enjoy in life is people, I love talking to people I love meeting people I love seeing people and mostly I love making people smile. This is actually based around what I wanna do as a profession, make people happy, entertain. The best way I do that is through making people laugh but I do the same just by having conversations with people,so vlogging seems to fall into my category. I enjoy talking about things and seeing what others think.

I listen to a lot of podcast and watch a few blogs myself which I feel give me some knowledge of how to do it, I'm comfortable talking to essentially a camera lens, my experience on youtube has helped me understand how the whole system works and realize that you just don't get on and get famous like that or at all, I have the equipment already, I could channel audiences from the other channels so that isn't a problem. I always wrote down ideas and sketches and jokes and stories and experiences and just really anything I want to remember that I wanted to talk to other people about for a few years so I have a decent amount of topics to talk about along with videos of a lot of my experience.

So I guess what this boils down to is I'm asking that if I kept you entertained with this block of words us that would you be interested in me vlogging or at least do you think I should give it a shot? Maybe I could make this actual page a vlog, that's what I'd like to know if this interest you enough for me to vlog about. Another thing how would I begin to start making the vlog like a basic how to start up making a vlog.

Now this also comes with any helpful tips which could just reinforce and add what I think I already know, or just your own stories of youtube at the least cause if nothing came out of this as in tips I would at least like to hear y'alls stories.

Hopefully it wasn't too choppy because I did jump around and add in stuff all over, but anyways

Thanks- Brandon
I will sum up my youtube experience in one sentence: " Chasing an Aspiration that is always reachable but still so far"
I generally had my channel to show of my music, but after years of producing myself I decided to share my knowledge and start doing tutorial videos.
I started off making YouTube videos because I seen alot of the bigger youtuber and they looked like they were having fun. I decided to start my own channel and if you check out the videos you can see how far I've come as a youtiber. I'm not big but I know I will get there one day. I honestly can say that this is my passion, oi would love to do this for the rest of my life. My bad if I didn't make any sense to you.
I've had a channel where I just posted random stuff 4 years ago. And when I saw people becoming famous on Youtube. I decided to take my shot at getting Youtube stardom. And I'm now in my first step.