My Gaming Channel - NicksGamingHub


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my channel is NickGamingHub, and I put videos of Let's Plays of games to my channel, I have 7 subs as of the time writing this and are looking to expand that, if you would like to sub to my channel feel free too. I put new videos out every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday. I also will be putting up reviews, tutorials, and unboxings later on down the road. My channel: NicksGamingHub
It´s very promising but I won´t sub until I see at least 1 video of content related to your channel!

i did i just put one up a couple of hours ago and your already subbed LOL
I remember now LOL... I subbed when you posted this thread before haha... I remember now! I just saw the intro video in the feed and no other video and thought "someone is trying to be like someone else" when that someone else was YOU haha

Checking the video out now and if it sucks I´m unsubbing lol
