My first attempt at a banner, is it good ?


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Hey guys, so i made a banner for my group gaming channel and i thought i'd ask for your opinion on it. I know its not perfect, but i'd really appreciate some feedback on it.
Thanks :D
At least you tried good job and i tried my best for my first time in photoshop designing my background and tell me what you think
It's pretty plain and basic. The red text over grey doesn't complement each other. Why is 'Project' and 'Cast' in 3D when 'Pasta' isn't? Or if it is, why is it so hard to tell? The yellow dashes are distracting and I don't know why they are there?

The banner needs some personality. I'm not a fan of it. I've seen worse, though. You're getting there. It just needs some work. Just my honest opinion.

Maybe take a look here and try to find some colors that complement eachother?
I must admit I really don't like the grey. It looks like you forgot to fill it in or something. The general design is good, just needs a paler background so the text pops a bit more :)
Good effort. I agree with the comments about ditching the gray. Maybe white with a very transparent photo texture. Also, definitely use png. The compression is killing the quality.
Good effort. I agree with the comments about ditching the gray. Maybe white with a very transparent photo texture. Also, definitely use png. The compression is killing the quality.

You can't on the new design, you have to make that GIGANTIC banner under 1MB *facepalm* so we are all forced to JPEG for the most part (and the least fuss). Mine is JPEG but it looks ok I think :)