My Drive-Thru Rant Rap. God Help You All.


I've Got It
So, here it is! None of you demanded it, and several of you are going to demand it be burned immediately, but this is my Drive-Thru Rant-Rap.​
I picked up the tune at a royalty-free copyright free music site, and as I said in a previous thread, I CAN'T RAP, so just... at least enjoy the plentiful about of lyrics on the screen, mkays? ...and yes, the subtitles are a bit wonky in timing too, which is odd because my original video file is synched up just FINE. >_< BLARGHLEWARGLE!

If you actually enjoy the video, or even appreciate me trying to go so far out of character, then a Like on the video would be much appreciated. :3
they lyrics are really good dude! and you don't sound to bad, a bit like a poet at a poets reading but that aint a bad thing lol
Yeah, my mic is a bit of a pain in the a**. xD Unfortunately nothing better's in my price range at all. x.X As for music video, Jesus, took me long enough just to SUBTITLE this sonnuvagun, and I'll admit that video splicing isn't really my thing... heck, I inserted five seconds of Basket Cat in my nine minute video on The Pitfalls of Uber Graphics, and Youtube managed to even mess up the syncing on THAT. >_<

Thanks to you guys for the good words, though, and TheKeebzyShow, if a lynch mob comes after me, I'm blaming you! xD Thanks for giving me the kick in the a**e I needed.