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Theyre better than what most people use, heres something to look at:

Almost all of my own passwords are randomly generated ones and around 18 characters, one I know off by heart. I tend to use poor ones for sites I dont really care about much where getting hacked wouldnt mean anything to me.

All my passwords are between 15 - 40 characters long, containing at least 5 - 10 special characters or numbers
All my passwords are between 15 - 40 characters long, containing at least 5 - 10 special characters or numbers

Well they should be secure enough, this table is rather interesting that I found, I aint linking to its source as my Nod32 didnt seem to like the site it was on:

Well, even if a supercomputer worked on it, at 1,000 guesses per second to find out my passwords are anywhere between 100 - 600 years.

Of course, remember, if it guesses alphabetically, your password will be found much faster if it is close to A, the closer it is to the opposite end of whatever spectrum they chose, then the longer it will take. All times given by sources will tend to be how long it takes to cycle through all possibilities, and it most likely doesn't have to search through all of them to find yours at the end. All it has to do is find one.
Well, even if a supercomputer worked on it, at 1,000 guesses per second to find out my passwords are anywhere between 100 - 600 years.

Of course, remember, if it guesses alphabetically, your password will be found much faster if it is close to A, the closer it is to the opposite end of whatever spectrum they chose, then the longer it will take. All times given by sources will tend to be how long it takes to cycle through all possibilities, and it most likely doesn't have to search through all of them to find yours at the end. All it has to do is find one.