My channel,


I think i went a bit to over board with this, but it kinda describes my channel and where i want to go with it. I just started doing youtube gameplay videos, and wanted to see how i stack up. I think i came into things witha good head, i did some research before i started so my thumbnails are all done up, and i just finished some new channel art. So let me know what you think, or maybe some pointers on how to showcase a trailer, cause i don't think mine is working properly.

Anyway ill showcase this here, you don't have to read anything past this, i thought i was a template for this thread. But could not remember where it was actualy fun, so i guess it can go here. It atleast gives you an idea of the unique direction i am trying to take on my channel.
  • What do you want to be known for? What does success look like to you?
  1. Honestly, i think it would be amazing to be the next, but for adults to. I would love to embody this youtube personality of a humble kind gentlemen who fills people with joy and inspiration. Ide love to change peoples lives through my channel, even if its because of a small quote, i hope to leave people full of peace and love. Success to me is what ever you strive for, its looking back on where you use to be and where you are now in the world. And being able to smile and say, i did that, this is me and where i am. Being totally happy about the changes you have made in peoples lives.
  • What genre does your channel fall into? What are other creators doing in that category? Which ones do you like the most and why?
    • Right now its mainly gaming, not sure if i'd ever make more channels for live action or other things. I'd imagine its easier to just have one channel, with diffrent section and playlist for diffrent types of content. But right now it is mainly a gaming channel, something i know i will enjoy doing.
    • Alot of creators are doing very diverse things with their content, and i hope to try out a few, but i know i mainly focus on creating and immersive experiences. I want to play games like a movie, and convince the audience that they are apart of the show at times. Frankie is master of putting me in his shoes, every time i watch his videos i am on the edge of my seat! Leafy does commentary and rants while doing some mild gameplay, while other i watch do tutorials and informative gameplay.
    • I love frankie's story telling ability, his powerful narrative voice. The music and scenes he builds with them can be breathtaking, i really enjoy his ability to make fun gameplay videos that can be bolth entertaining and educational. He always has fun facts and clever quote, and i want to provide that same element in my videos.
  • Who is your audience?
    • Gamers, readers, storytellers, Everyone! Anyone and everyone who enjoys my content! I don't really know what my target audience is other then people who have a like mind interest in these sort of things.
  • How do you want your channel to look in five years?
It would be great to have a few thousand sub by then, 5 years is pretty far into the future. I want to be doing live action by then, maybe ill have multiple channels at that point. But ide like to take game play to the next level, by making more cinematic movies from it.
  • Who are your favourite YouTube creators and what makes them memorable to you?
    • Frankieonpcin1080 Is probaly one of my favorite youtubers of all time, i sort of see him as gaming god among other things. He is really really good at the games he plays and showcasing that content, his kills, his adventures, and narration is so intresting. Put that together with some nice music, and you got the perfect mix for entertaining me, he also discusses philosophy literature and real life stories (war stories.)
  • Who do you think will be drawn to your videos?
    • Gamers mainly i would imagine, people who enjoy gameplay videos, cause ive noticed alot of people who watch dont play. Young kids and for that reason ima try and cool it on the swearing a little bit. but it is a tough habit to break, so kids dont get to dirty of a mouth.
  • Will your channel resonate with a specific group of people?
    • Ive noticed more and more people are taking interest in art, history, more intellectual subjects, the past few years. This generations prides itself on being smart and curious, so i want to encourage that. I want to include poetry and history with in my stories.
  • Is there a niche that you’re tailoring your content towards, like yoga enthusiasts or action sports fans? Gaming is kinda a niche, idk its more of a hobby then a skill. There are some people who are naturally good at games, and while i am one of them i am no gaming god. The point of my channel is not to teach people how to be the best at a game, but more so finding a play style that works for them and allows fun. I am always thinking outside the box with games and how to have fun with them, so i hope to educate people to help make them not only better at games, but better at having fun.