My Channel Trailer cant be monetized!?

Skax Design

VFX, GFX and Digital Art
Hey guys, i know monetization wont do much for me at the moment in time.

But, I have uploaded a channel trailer, used all royalty free content (i think), so im not sure what it is!?

I was thinking it might be the puma thing? but i dought it :/ as it doesn't show the whole puma image :)

Thank you :)
Why would you want to monetize it?
You'll turn people off, they're not going to sit through an ad, the trailer is there to sell yourself in 10 seconds so people don't get bored and click away!
Really? :/ i didnt know ;)
well it wouldn't really be a good idea anyways.. could you imagine going to someones channel wanting to see there short 30 trailer but having to watch an advert first? I would just end up clicking off their channel :')
It makes sense when you think about it :)
That's strange - I was able to monetize mine :) How would Youtube know whether the video you have for greeting unsubscribed people is truly a trailer or not? I believe that if the video is accessed directly, the ads show just fine. Only on one's channel landing page, the ads don't show.
If you monetize your trailer, I know it doesn't show ads when they watch the trailer on your channel, but are there ads if they go to the video page to watch it?