Multiple channels??


Active Member
Okay so, I have started creating content about my music and covers now to realize I would love to share my passion for dance aswell. I was wondering since I have a small amount of subscribers, would it be reasonable to create two channels or continue using my old channel for dance and my current channel for music, or use my current channel for both catagories of content? They seem quite different which is why I am asking...
I use my one channel for gaming videos and scripted stuff (and the occasional "vlog") and I've seen others do the same. Using playlists to organize your channel could eliminate the need for multiple channels. Just make sure that you're subscribers know what's going on or they might leave thinking a channel they like has changed too much.
I'd definitely use just one channel, especially if you only have a small amount of subscribers right now - it means you'll be better able to grow your channel as a whole with content that is related and relevant to itself throughout. Good luck and I'm sure you'll grow in no time!
