MrMarkofK's channel

Sorry to burst your bubble, but not posting until you get subscribers is never going to work, unless you sub4sub, which also doesn't get you any views.
Who is going to subscribe to a channel without videos?

You say you're tired of getting 7 views per video, so you had a channel before this one? When I first started uploading (xbox 360 gaming vids, just like you), I hardly got any views myself. I still usually don't get more than 20 views in the first day I upload a video, but it all happens over time. My first video ever uploaded on my channel now has over 80 views. I didn't get those in the first week. My most popular video now has 345 views, those didn't come on the first day either.
So sure, you won't get 100 views on all your videos, but that just doesn't happen. I have videos with less than 20 views, which have been up for a few months, but that's just because they weren't very good. Upload good quality entertaining videos, and the subscribers will come.