Monetization disabled, so what ?


Posting Mad!
As you can see on this link, the monetization was disabled on many on my videos :


I wonder if, after joining a network, I will be able to monetize again these videos or if they are disabled forever ?

Anyone can help me ?

Thanks :)
Yes, you will be able to. However, if you genuinely don't have the rights to use the content and it wasn't just one of the Adsense random we don't believe you denials, you do run the risk of getting nailed with a copyright strike. I'd resolve the issues before doing it myself.
I call it front end liability, even though there isn't really any protection from the network side.

Basically, Adsense is ridiculously gun-shy about copyright and will refuse things for baseless reasons sometimes. When you're partnered, YouTube doesn't care unless Content ID or the DMCA generates a complaint as the network is assumed liable even though they just end up cutting the channel loose in the case of a strike.