Monatization issue!


I've Got It
Hey there peeps and peepettes, there is probably a really simple reason as to why this is happening but I thought I would voice it anyway, so up until about a month ago I could monatize all my gaming videos no issue what so ever, I think it was because I was doing live comm's and not just uploading gameplay footage.. but over the last month every single gaming video i've uploaded will no longer let me monatize it, i get the "more information needed" email and the red ! in video manage, I obviously no why it hasn't monatized.. but i'm curious as to why it's only recently decided to do so. It is a little annoying not knowing why all of a sudden my videos can't be monatized anymore.

Sorry if this seems like me just complaining.


Just dispute all of them...Someone took a claim on my first playthrough before which is 105videos and I disputed them all. It was okay after several hrs. But I don't know how things work out now.:)) That was a yr ago, mind yu.
Just dispute all of them...Someone took a claim on my first playthrough before which is 105videos and I disputed them all. It was okay after several hrs. But I don't know how things work out now.:)) That was a yr ago, mind yu.
He's not talking about a Content ID claim, he's trying to monetize his video(s).

@OP Who knows YouTube's detection system to decide whether a video is monetized or requires additional info of rights. It's a tricky one to answer because they keep such information private but just provide additional information and they should be rejected or monetized pretty fast in around 24 hours (weekends don't count)
He's not talking about a Content ID claim, he's trying to monetize his video(s).

@OP Who knows YouTube's detection system to decide whether a video is monetized or requires additional info of rights. It's a tricky one to answer because they keep such information private but just provide additional information and they should be rejected or monetized pretty fast in around 24 hours (weekends don't count)

thanks mate :)