Mixing Topics


I've Got It
Hey guys,

I've been thinking of adding some life advice videos to my channel. Right now I mostly have educational videos on phrases and history. Life advice videos would be a bit of a different direction than what I have done so far. My channel is still very small, however, and really hasn't had that many views.

Should I just put all my videos into one channel, maybe under different playlists, or should I create a new channel for the life videos? Would that type of mixed content possibly turn off people who might subscribe to my channel?
I think you should try it out, see how it goes. Life advice could work with an educational channel. My channel is purely science at the moment, not sure what else I could incorporate that would fit with my science stuff.
Go for it! I think it just adds to your channel as long as you don't have 90 series at one time you are fine