Oh I would be VERY upset if you killed AOD off completely. I am happy about him getting less face time and being something you kind of minimize for effect, but if you got rid of him completely I'd be like "RAY!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???" Cause it's not like I DON'T like him
--- merged: Mar 21, 2012 7:14 AM ---
I hadn't even watched the video yet when I commented. Ray... you're getting better at what you're doing and I'm starting to watch your videos and think like "wow... why couldn't this be big?" Cause it has a very... what's the word.. it's not professional... it's just... it's on par with the TRULY funny and entertaining channels, and you do start to kind of feel like you "know" the characters and look forward to your videos... I think you've got something special, I really hope it takes off I think it's getting to the point where your jokes are funny enough that it could.