Missing A Helicopter Crash

Please stick to one thread per video, duplicates will be removed or merged :)

lol unfortunately he is obeying the forum sticky. It promotes spam big time lol . I was wondering how long it would take for people to try to dominate the first page as its happened a couple of times but maybe limit video promotion posts to like 1 per day or something to keep people from trying to dominate the first page. The other issue is the bumps. If you bump all your threads all the time you can also dominate. It makes it hard to actually promote because eventually it just becomes a bump/spam war :)

"You may post one thread per any video you make and publish. If you have multiple videos to post you may post multiple threads for them as long as they dont contain the same videos. You may post one thread solely for promoting your channel too and we prefer if you give us some insight into your channel like an about me but about your channel."