Match third part rejected help?

This is the message

'Dispute rejected, claim has been reinstated.'

so what happens now? i filled in match third party form but got rejected so how come my video is still not deleted?
Does anyone know? thank you.
and the earnings goes to the owner? what about before that? I earn some money before when the match third party sign didn't shown up.

Depends really. If it got claimed the money might go to them. How much did you earn? If it was less than $100 you wouldn't receive it until you earn over that amount.
When a 3rd party claim is made, the third party has a few options. They can have your video removed (and you will usually get a strike), they can put ads on your video and receive a 100% royalty, or they can just leave it be (almost never happens lol). They seem to have chosen option #2, and you will be forced to show ads on this video, and you will receive no royalties. Personally, I would delete the video to be safe. :)